Tuesday 2 April 2013


...my new favourite band atm. Check them out they're awesome.

Anywho, yeah I haven't been on here much but this is what I have done. I gotta be honest, I just drank a massive mug of coffee on an empty stomach and haven't eaten since and for some reason the caffeine has just smacked me in my brain so if this post doesn't make much sense I apologise.

This is what I have done recently.

I have been trying to broaden myself and not just do people so I did these cute things. I am currently doing different types of tea and coffee, I also want to do a cake one aswel, like big cakes rather than cupcakes.
So, yeaH I have just been doing this stuff really and I have written a business plan to get myself out there which will be intense but should be fun I AM UP FOR TH CHALLENGE!

Well, that's about it. 
